Finally Feel GREAT About Your Guitar Playing

  • Have you been wanting to learn how to play the guitar, but just don’t know where to start?
  • Are you frustrated with your current progress, and need help to get to the next level?
  • Are you looking for fun guitar lessons that will help you improve your guitar playing, regardless which level you’re at?

If You Answered Yes To Any Of The Questions Above, Keep Reading!

When I was first learning how to play the guitar, I went through many frustrating moments that made me feel like I just wasn’t getting anywhere. Sometimes I would be stuck playing the same things over and over, and still felt like I wasn’t improving. Other times I just simply didn’t know what to do, how to practice, or have any actual goals. In other words, I was mindlessly wandering and wasting a lot of precious time figuring things out the hard way. I was finally able to solve this once I found a knowledgeable guitar teacher who was able to point me in the right direction and give me a path to follow. Without having that path set out for me, I definitely wouldn’t be where I am right now with my guitar playing.

oakville guitar lessons

Taking that into account, many guitar players don’t progress or simply quit playing because they simply don’t know how to practice, what to work on, or even where to start. That’s where I come in: I’m here to put a plan in place for you so that you can reach your goals, however big or small they may be! If you’re looking for guitar lessons in Oakville, you’ve found where you need to be.

Regardless which level you’re at as a guitar player, guitar lessons can provide a massive boost in motivation and help you push yourself towards your full potential. Think about a professional athlete for a moment; without a coach pushing them and providing them with the guidance of what to do and how to do it, the athlete would never reach their full potential. The same thing applies to guitar players. With the help from an experienced guitar teacher, you will be able to spot problem areas in your playing that you never would have thought of by yourself and you will know exactly what to focus on to get you from point A to point B. Even if you’re a complete beginner, you will save so much time and energy by having the path laid out for you, instead of wandering aimlessly with no direction in mind.

At Oakville Guitar Lessons, I can help you solve your guitar-playing problems and lay a path out for you so that you can become the guitarist that you want to be. Many people spend years fooling around on the guitar without improving, and are surprised at how quickly they progress when enrolled in a proper guitar lesson program. And to make it easy for you, Oakville Guitar Lessons is conveniently located on the border of Oakville and Mississauga – close to both cities with easy access from the QEW.

Does any of this sound like you?

  • You’ve been playing the same stuff for the past few months, or years, and need to get out of your rut.
  • You have trouble motivating yourself to practice
  • You want to be able to learn the songs that you like by ear, but don’t know where to start
  • You’re a complete beginner and you need someone to guide you through the learning process.
  • You know how to ‘improvise’, but it just doesn’t sound right to you
  • Chord changes are really difficult; you can’t switch between chords cleanly
  • You know lots of ‘stuff’, but don’t know how to use or apply it.
  • You want to be comfortable enough to jam with friends or other musicians/guitarists.
  • You want to learn how to write your own songs or guitar parts.
  • You don’t know how to structure your practice so that you actually improve on the guitar.
  • You want to play guitar with others as a hobby and need guidance.

If any of the above is true, I can help you turn your frustrations into successes. It’s much easier when you have someone who has been through it all before to give you guidance and show you the way. I believe that it’s important to choose a guitar teacher that you know will work their hardest for you, and also one that has experience and proven results with their students. Just teaching songs out of a book won’t cut it; you need to have a well-rounded guitar lesson program that you can learn a lot from and also enjoy. This will make sure that you  make the most out of your investment, in terms of both practice time and money. You don’t want someone playing the game of ‘trial and error’ with you like you’re their guinea pig!

Luckily, I have a solution for you: with Guitar Lessons in Oakville, you will learn how to solve your guitar playing problems for yourself, and begin to enjoy the instrument in a way that you never thought possible.I’m here to help you realize how important it is that you fix these problems now so that you can move forward with your guitar playing. You may have taken lessons before (and those lessons may have left a bad taste in your mouth). You also may have been focusing on learning little bits of information online from YouTube or other websites. How do you know which information is reliable? How do you know what will help lead you to your goals? What makes a guitar teacher good or bad? These questions are crucial to ask, as I have personally seen countless examples of poorly written online lessons, as well as the outcome of students who have spent a year or two with an average guitar teacher and have paid the price – in both time and money.

Guitar Lessons Oakville

Jason Wilford – Owner & Instructor

I know I can help you, and believe in this so deeply that I am willing to offer you a free assessment so that you can see for yourself how I can help you become a better guitar player faster and more efficiently than any other option. This meeting will make sure that you can make an informed decision on your guitar lessons, and see for yourself what I can do for you. It’s that simple!
Get in touch with me today and have peace of mind knowing that you can finally put your stresses in someone else’s hands and lift that weight off of your shoulders.

oakville guitar lessons


“I get frustrated with some of the challenges, but Jason makes it fun with songs I want to play and doable by going over new skills until I get them. Even when I’m a mess during a lesson, Jason finds something positive to say which is so encouraging.” – Patricia Caviglia


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