By Robert Callus Do you want to put more time into practicing your instrument, but can’t seem to find it anywhere? Nearly every musician faces this problem – there are so many things to learn! Yet, many great musicians didn’t have the luxury of…
By Jason Wilford One of the first steps to understanding how to build chords is to know how to play at least a one- octave major scale on the guitar. This is going to be your reference point for everything, so make sure…
By Pascha Bocharov In this article I would like to tell you about the basics of guitar technique. Even though these are the basic things, a lot of beginners don’t know them or know particularly. For a long time I asked myself: Which angle…
3 Crucial Tips for Singing and Playing At The Same Time By Tracy Laslop North Vancouver Guitar School Plenty of great instrumental musicians have no idea how to sing and play their instrument at the same time… that’s fine if you never ever…
When first learning how to play guitar, the hardest thing to do is to just get started. The fear of being judged or feeling as if you are not good enough or will never be good enough seems to come out of nowhere…
Are you ready for your performance? In this article I will be providing some advice on how to prepare your guitar playing prior to the actual performance. These suggestions get me ready for a gig and will set my mind at ease (at…
By Ryan Mueller When many guitar players think about playing chords in areas of their fretboard other than open position, they usually resort to 5-string/6-string root barre chords, and basic power chords. While these chords are handy when playing rhythm guitar all over…
Guide to Practicing: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too by Dennis Winge There is a lot of information going around nowadays about “interleaved” practicing where you switch things up between several different areas of focus relatively rapidly as opposed to traditional “block”…
It’s important for beginners guitar players to know when they’ve found the best guitar lessons. Read this article so you know how to avoid mistakes, and find the best guitar lessons. 3 Tips On How A Beginner Guitar Player Can Find The Best…
How To Play Barre Chords With No Strain By Chris Glyde The bar chord is one of the most useful and versatile chord types you can play. At the same time, for the majority of guitar players, it’s very difficult to play these…